Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Anti Aging Tip: A Massage Chair Starts Below the Skin | New Health ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Are you interested in retaining your youthful appearance? Most people are trying to fight the aging process and maintain their beauty and young appearance. A whole industry has sprung up called anti aging. Anti aging is a broad category targeting all aspects of maintaining your health and beauty. Most people are familiar with cosmetic companies offering a whole range of anti wrinkle creams and ointments. On the other side is cosmetic surgery where your appearance can be changed by skilled doctors. In between is a whole host of other products and services targeting the fight against the aging process. Aging is a complex issue that is just in the beginning of being understood. What is known is that skin is just the superficial layer and the muscles and tissues below the surface need treatment as well. Now, massage chairs are offering massage therapies to help the fight against aging.

Let us bypass the skin treatments and start to look at cause and effect of aging. We will all get old. The trick is to age gracefully. If we go to the root of aging, we see 2 major factors that act as catalysts to the aging process. The first is stress. If you want to age quickly, stress will definitely be the accelerator. The second catalyst is the muscles of the body. Our muscles can be used, abused or underused. This will determine how we look and age. These two items can percolate to the surface causing signs of aging. By the time the problem reaches the skin, we need a major overhaul.

We seem to come under stress from everywhere. Some of caused by external factors like our boss. Some of it caused by internal factors like us wanting to achieve something. Both of these causes come from mental stress. We put pressure on ourselves that is the product of our thoughts. As we think these thoughts, our body reacts as if it is under physical stress from harm. The body mobilizes itself to prepare for a fight or to run away. The major organs kick into overdrive and the legs and arms are activated for action. Trouble is we have no physical action. The stress causes chemicals to be released in our bodies, but they are not given a physical release. This can cause higher levels of toxins in the body to build up.

OK, we get to the meeting, we save the day and all is good and right in the world. Well, almost. What about the accumulated stress in our bodies? That really didn?t go anywhere did it? No it is still in our bodies. How do we get that out? Massage therapy is an effective technique to help flush out toxins. But massage therapy also helps reduce stress. Massage therapies such as shiatsu, Swedish and others have been shown to reduce stress, increase awareness and induce relaxation. These treatments are all available in the best massage chair brands today. I certainly age slower when I am relaxed then when I am stressed!

There are specific massage therapies that exactly target the stress reaction. The body is an interconnected system of relations. Certain reactions are essentially hardwired in us. Stress mobilizes the body with the fight or flight reaction. This exact process can be reversed with Reflexology massage therapy. Reflexology massage makes use of trigger points located in the hands or feet. When these points are stimulated, they have a corresponding major organ that is relaxed. Reflexology basically sends signals back to the major organ that the stress has passed and it can return to its normal operating mode. This massage technique calms the major organs and induces your entire body to relax.

Welcome to the modern world where stress comes with the territory. Stress seems to be almost automatic like breathing. It is hitting us all the time from every direction. Since stress is continuous our treatment against stress must also be continuous. We have to periodically flush out the excess toxins that are building up in our body. Massage therapy is a practical way to do this. Massage chairs offer the convenience of 24/7 access and effective therapy. They are also the most economic way to receive massage therapy on a frequent, recurring basis. Add a massage chair to your arsenal to looking your best and keeping your body healthy.

Find out how massage chairs assist you to stay fit and look younger. We offer a large selection of the top brands from Sanyo, Omega, and Panasonic. Peruse our anti aging massage chair reviews, features and so much more. We display massage chairs by massage therapy with our Massage Chair Comparison for your perusal.

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