People start abusing alcohol or illicit drugs for different reasons. Some try it out of curiosity, some thinking that it gives pleasure, many because of peer pressure. Some also believe that it relieves from problems such as stress, anxiety, or depression. Irrespective of the reason or the amount of alcohol or illicit drugs consumed, this habit destroys one?s health, career, and relationships. Following are some of the major things you will lose if you abuse alcohol or other illicit drugs. Physical health: Drug or alcohol abuse impairs the functioning of all major and minor organs of the human body starting from brain, heart, to the lungs, liver and so on. Alcohol and all illicit drugs have their own adverse effects on the body. Chronic use results in serious health complications which may lead to death. Mental peace: When a person becomes psychologically addicted, the casual desire for drugs becomes powerful compulsion. As a result, person becomes completely dependent on drugs and becomes irritated when drugs are not available. Almost all illicit drugs including alcohol result in psychological addiction. This creates mental instability and hence results in lack of peace. Career: Drug abuse results in lack of concentration, mental instability, impairs decision-making skills and results in confused and unsystematic lifestyle. Since these characteristics are totally unproductive to an organization and may trigger accidents at work place, organizations tend to reject or remove the drug abusing employees. They conduct drug testing on the applicants before offering job and also on the employees already existing. Any applicant or employee with positive results for drug abuse will be removed. Thus, it affects the career of a drug abuser. Respect from the family and society: Drug abusers are disrespected by their family, followed by the society because of their problematic behavior and unhealthy lifestyle. Even popular celebrities are not respected if found abusing drugs. Drug abusers many times are not invited for family or social gatherings as they generally create nuisance. Financial status: Alcohol or drug abuse is expensive. Unfortunately, many people do not understand its cost. This habit drains away the finances. With the advancement of stages of addiction, the expenses rise. The expenses are not just limited to purchasing the substance, further they are also associated with absenteeism from work, legal bills due to crime and violence, increased medical expenses and so on. All these things can make you financially poor. Life in case of severe addiction: Drug or alcohol addicts will have a shorter life span, when compared to others and will lead a dreadful life almost every day. Many times people die because of the overdose or other complications from the drug abuse. The stats on drug death rate are alarming and can be considered as fact sheets to demonstrate the consequences of addiction. It's not wise to give up life for childhood ignorance and teenage experiments. Try comparing the pros and cons of these unhealthy habits, you will realize the fact that you are losing in every aspect of life. So it is advised to stay away from alcohol or drug abuse.
About Author Nate Rodney : |
Drug alcohol test is an online store offering quick, easy to use and FDA approved drug testing kits at guaranteed low prices. Our marijuana drug test kits detects the presence of THC metabolite in human urine. It is available in form of single-panel or multi-panel test kits or integrated E-Z drug test cups.
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Article Url: Added on Sunday, October 2, 2011
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Signs of drug abuse
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